Day 1 – A picture of yourself with ten facts about you
Thursday, June 16, 2011
This is Annisa Qisthia Fathdhieny, this is me :
1. Supel girl, haha. you never knew that I'm a totally unadaptable girl in my past >.<
2. Love photography, much much much.. and I started it with a "sky runner" wanna be :p
3. When I child, I looked like a Japanese girl because I have a narrow eyes, till now. but I think that I'm not looked like that anymore..
4. Cheerful but sometimes moody :p
5. Love travelling! A world traveler wanna be!
6. Sometimes go somewhere alone and no one know where I am, that's fun! haha
7. Wanna make my body fatter, I just like never catch the 50, it's always stable on 46 47 48! >.<
8. Have a lotta accident experiences and I forgot how many it was :p
9. Wanna be a scientist and found something (medicine maybe) that really really useful to all people in this world..
10. Wanna have a lion or lions! rawr!
wait my day 2!